Friday 29 April 2016

Exploring Charleville

Just a quick post today - I have lots of free time here as my volunteering tutoring sessions only take up the afternoon and my french classes are only twice a week and we mainly only go on outings during the weekend. So every day I go for a wander around my little town and explore the streets of North-Eastern France! (And yes I have been lost a few times but thanks google maps!)

I took some photos on today's walk to show you all how cute and French it is here! À plus xx
Statue of Charles de Gonzague

Cute little stalls selling crêpes, waffles and ice cream!

The main street

The museum of Arthur Rimbaud

The Meuse River

La Place Ducale, the centre of town 

Soon much yummy chocolate!


  1. Can you please bring that M & M machine home for me? Thanks heaps!

  2. Great to see the history around you Sophie. Keep up the excellent photos. Lots of love.

  3. Oh my gawd! M&Ms!!!! :O
    This town is so cute! I could totally see you living there :p haha
