Saturday 16 April 2016

1 week update!!

Salut mes amis!

So a whole week has passed since I got on the plane to come here! Time flies huh? So far I've just been settling into daily life here and meeting lots of people - I have to say I am impressed by how many french people know at least a little bit of conversational English, and how many want to learn more! This has been great for me because it's much less awkward when you're both trying to speak each other's language.

So what I have learned so far?? French people are weird!! I mean they're lovely and everything but man there are some interesting cultural differences. For example, last night we went and had dinner at a family friend's house and afterwards all the adults were sitting around drinking wine after wine, laughing and telling stories about getting old (or at least that's what I understood from it) so I went upstairs to see what the children were all doing, expecting them to be sat in front of the television watching cartoons or something. Instead this is what I found...

So you'll imagine my reaction as I walk into a dimly lit upstairs room and see a very intense poker game unfolding before my eyes. However the players were not your usual sweaty bald men - it was the French kids ranging from about 8 to 14 years old. Maybe it was a 'had to be there' moment but I found it hilarious. Anyways let's just say these seasoned professionals have quite the poker faces. Please let me know if this is a European thing or maybe it was just my family but I sure didn't know how to play poker at 8 years old!!

Having lots of fun and experiencing many new things, like French champagne ooh la la!
Miss and love you all at home <3


  1. So adults sitting around drinking wine after wine must have reminded you of me eh Sophie!!!!!! 😆

  2. Hahaha did you join them in the poker game Sopheh!?? xP

    1. I did! hahaha and I even won a round! ;)

    2. I am so proud of you right now!! <3 xP hahaha
