Wednesday, 18 May 2016

A new look?

Bonjour tout le monde!

You've probably noticed that my blog looks slightly different (and slightly less cool if I say so myself) but there is actually a reason behind this madness - I wanted to add an email subscription box, and the cool layout I had before wouldn't let me do it!! Or maybe it would but my own lack of technical ability wouldn't... I dunno but I hope it works!

I know how annoying it is to keep checking a website or blog in case there's something new and then there isn't and it was a waste of a solid few minutes! So, I added the little box you can see on the right just under my profile so that you can be up to date when I post. It redirects you to a slightly dodgy looking tab where you type in your email address and then you just have to verify it and voila! I hope this is actually useful and you do it, otherwise the cool designy template from before had to go for no reason, that is of course if anyone actually reads this. Even though it looks different, it's still going to be my same amazing posts!! The rest of which are just up there on the left too, so I think we're good! I really hope this all makes sense, tell me if it doesn't!

Anyway, back to the actual point of this blog... I'm currently in Paris! Woo! I have about three posts planned about my trip to Disneyland, my day at the zoo, oh and of course a great story about getting lost on my first day in Paris. But I've been doing so much everyday I haven't had time to piece all my thoughts together properly in a legible post, but they are coming I promise.

Hope you're all having an excellent day or night, depending on your hemisphere! À plus xxxx


  1. Hi. That was a good idea and very easy to do. Not dodgy at all. Well done and lots of love. Can't wait to read the new blog posts once your thoughts are pieced together.

  2. Can't wait to read & see more about Disneyland Paris! Missing you but so happy that you having such a fabulous time xx

  3. Forgot to say I've done the email thing too 😃

  4. Thank you both! Now lets hope it works :p
